Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Spirit Challenging Me

Remember that your inner spirit never gives us more problems then we can handle, and every event that happens to us is our inner spirit challenging us. Don't worry my friend. Every so-called negative experience can be a benefit if we view it positively. Every negative event should be a learning experience. The death of one ( My spirit challenging me ) has brought life to so many others. No Weapon Needed has saved countless lives because of this negative event.

A positive mind and thought brings happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation. Not everyone believes in positive thinking and most people won't believe or even accept it, but these are the ones that can not use it effectively to get the proper results.

Train your mind everyday and you will begin to transform the way your mind thinks. Example : Once a negative thought enters your mind replace it with a constructive one. This negative thought will enter your mind again and again, but you still continue to replace it with a positive one. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore all negative thoughts. It might take some time for the changes to take place, but I assure you they do.